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  • Name: Courageous Charity
  • Special Ability : Able to spread kindness and joy (ex: make flowers appear)
  • Weakness: Weak without light
  • Appearance description: Jolly guy, Label of "CC", likes nature, bright colors
  • Name:  Mucky Marcus
  • Special Ability : Able to create darkness, make happy things turn gloomy
  • Weakness: Weak to light
  • Appearance description: All black, mask, black gloves
One student has been chosen as Mucky Marcus' victim. Marcus plans to make his life reek of dark things. The student is in utter depression because of Marcus' super powers. Courageous Charity doesn't know what's going on yet. He's just going around school spreading happiness. One day, Courageous Charity notices that student walking through the halls giving off a dark force. As he walks over to help that poor student, Marcus jumps out and stops him! Charity tries to fight off Marcus by using his minor superpowers. Obviously, Marcus overpowers him because he's feeding off the dark energy of that poor student. But since it's the day, Charity is able to get energy from the sun and defeat Marcus! He restores the student to happiness and all is solved.

I will ask someone else if they could be the student, but if not, I will do it. I think Charity will be great as a superhero and Marcus as the villain! 

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