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Life as a School Psychologist

Did you know that you can't actually multi-task? Psychologic research proves that only one cognitive action can be done at one tim. We fool ourselves in thinking that we can multi-task well. Psychologists research, analyze, and develop different concepts of our actions, thoughts, and activities. People unconsciously use their brain and its the job of the psychologist to interpret that.

In high school, I struggle with different types of problems. Sometimes the problems are mental, spiritual, or physical. When I can't handle my own problems, I look to our school guidance counselor for help. I ask him for what I should do, how I should prevent/fix it, and what I should do next. I am taken step by step to understand my problem.

School psychologists directly help teenagers. There are different types of teens all over the world. There are so many aspects of psychology that are used to benefit students. It is the job of the school psychologist to help, guide, and benefit the student as much as possible. According to research at the University of Minnesota, it is proven that the "rosiest high school years" are the start of adolescent stress and depression. School psychologists need to aid students to complete four years of high school with minimum stress and depression.

Tweet Right

For school psychology, Twitter will help me research, connect, and communicate. For research, I can follow other professional psychologists and keep updated with the latest reports. For connections, I can stay connected with fellow associates or friends in related fields of work. Then for communication, I can keep in contact with the students I work with. 

Writing Skills

Writing skills are needed in every job. In school psychology, the psychologist will need to write data, analysis, reports, and different sorts of documents to have effective communication. I will need to have good interpretation of the data, analyze, and finalize it into an effective report.

Janie Baek's Essay