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Story Elements Checkpoint

  1. Character Arc: Girl 1- Insecure girl who spends time alone a lot but has actually a lot of good traits about her that make her beautiful. She's a happy introvert, but thinks negatively.  Girl 2- A girl in a relationship but is really self-conscious about her imperfections. The truth is that her boyfriend really loves her a lot but can never express it fully. She's the popular girl who thinks she has too many flaws and that she needs to cover it by pointing out others' flaws. Guy 1- Girl 1's best friend but also has feelings for her. He confesses to her at the end of the story, but makes each step something happy and warm for her. Guy 2- A guy who loves his girlfriend dearly but doesn't know what the right thing to say is. It's difficult for him to transfer the message but in the end, his pure love is shown. 
  2. Peeling the Onion: Both girls feel unloved and not needed. Each move that the guy characters make tell the girl something and peels off a layer of their cold hearts. At the end, the guys hold off a final big move to show the girls that they really care. 
  3. Universal Empathy (use two out of the five ways to show empathy for your main character:) Girl 1 has a lot of insecurities and this can be shown through the way that she is always home and alone. She doesn't like to interact much but when the guy comes around, she reveals herself to him. Girl 2 has too much personality and not too much care. She is in some way really ignorant about others and is attentive to her needs only and that's why she feels so pressured to be "perfect." 
  4. Protagonist(round or flat, dynamic or static): Both characters will be round. The viewers will know every truth while the characters won't know about each others' feelings.
  5. Antagonist(round or flat, dynamic or static): There won't be a specific character that the main characters have to be against. The problem will be against themselves, to overcome what they fear the most. 
  6. Minor character(round or flat, dynamic or static): The guys will be round and they will always be the fall back and go to guy. 
  1. Tension: Main characters will be involved. The internal problems that each character faces will be an obstacle that each of the major and minor characters must overcome. 
  2. Character Lock: As the twist unfolds, they will all become more positive and happier. To find that they are truly beautiful and they have someone to love that loves them. 
  3. Forced Action: The guy characters are faced to give in to their love because they couldn't hold it anymore. It was that time when they were holding on too long.  
  4. High & Low Stakes : The guy characters had a chance of being rejected and the girls could've gone a longer while just being insecure and never being themselves like they wanted to. 
  1. What information will you plant throughout the film that the viewer will have to figure out by the end? You are beautiful just the way you are. Don't be conformed by the things that the media tells you. Every person is special and someone loves you. 
  2. What will be the film's throughline? There are things that make you different and beautiful from others. 
  1. Explain the catalyst of your film? The guy characters are challenged by themselves to make a difference in their own lives while the girls are almost about to cave into depression and stress. 
  2. What will be the biggest conflict? Internal conflicts and not being able to express one's feelings will be the main conflict. 

Film Pitch

Film Info
What Makes You Beautiful

Category: MV music based

"What Makes You Beautiful" by Boyce Avenue (cover) 
You're insecure
Don't know what for
You're turning heads when you walk through the door
Don't need make up
To cover up
Being the way that you are is enough

Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
That's what makes you beautiful

So c-come on
You got it wrong
To prove I'm right I put it in a song
I don't why
You're being shy
And turn away when I look in your eyes

Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
that's what makes you beautiful
that's what makes you beautiful

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
that's what makes you beautiful
that's what makes you beautiful
that's what makes you beautiful

Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
If only you saw what I can see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know
You don't know you're beautiful
You don't know you're beautiful

And that's what makes you beautiful

Introduction (background setting): 
Rising Action:
Twist: (place it anywhere in the storyline and there can be more than one if needed)
Falling Action:

Explain how your film meets these four preliminary requirements:
1) Originality:
2) Not Predictable:
3) Emotional Response:
4) Something Learned:

Will it be manageable to find the type of actors you need to fit your film and are your locations easily available? 

Answer yes, maybe, or no.